Environmental Related Full Form
BSI - Botanical Survey of
CITES - Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
EIA - Environment Impact
EIS - Environmental
Information System.
EMP - Environment Management Plan.
EOSE - Environmental
Orientation to School Education .
EPA - Environment
Protection Act.
FSI - Forest Survey of
GAP - Ganga Action Plan.
IBWL - Indian Board of
Wild Life.
ICAR - Indian Council of
Agricultural Research.
IRRI - International
Nations Rice Research Institute.
IUCN - International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
JFM - Joint Forest
MAB - Man and Biosphere
MCP - Mangrove
Conservation Programme.
MEF - Ministry of
Environmental and Forest.
NAEB - National Afforestation and Eco Development.
NBA - National
Biodiversity Authority.
NCEP - National Committee
for Environmental Protection.
NEAC - National Environment
Awareness Campaign.
UNCED - United Nations
Conference On Environment and Development.
UNDP - United Nations
Development Programme.
UNEP - United Nations
Environment Programme .
UNESCO - United Nations
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.
WCED - World Commission on
Environment and Development.
WCMC - World Conservation
Monitoring Centre.
WCU - World Conservation
WEDO - Women’s Environment
and Development Organization.
WHO - World Health
WII - Wildlife Institute
of India.
WPSI - Wild life
Preservation Society of India.
WWF - World Wildlife Fund .
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